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Top Rated Attracties in Ottawa

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Laflèche Adventure

Originally Laflèche Cave, Aventure Laflèche is North America's largest aerial park and boasts all kinds of attractions. From the Aerial Park to snowshoe hiking to their famous Laflèche cavern, there's hardly a dull moment. With only a half-hour drive's away from Ottawa, the wilderness has never been more accessible. Rates vary, reservations required. See website for more details.

Diefenbunker Museum

Perhaps Canada's greatest artifact of the Cold War, this 30 square kilometer (100,000 square foot) bunker is located less than an hour west of Ottawa in Carp. Diefenbunker was constructed at the height of nuclear tensions between 1959 and 1961, and named after then Prime Minister John Diefenbaker. Built on springs to absorb explosive shockwaves, the bunker can accommodate more than 500 people for 30 days. Presently a museum, this National Historic Site offers its visitors a peek inside the government rooms and living quarters.

Notre-Dame Cathedral Basilica

Built between 1839 and 1885, this neo-Gothic cathedral situated on Sussex Drive on the edge of the Byward Market is one of the oldest surviving churches in Ottawa. Notre-Dame Cathedral Basilica's twin spires and gilded Madonna are easily identifiable from nearby Parliament Hill and the surrounding area. The interior of Notre-Dame Cathedral Basilica is brightly painted and decorated with carved features, exquisite stained glass windows and hundreds of statues of various religious figures. The church is open daily for guided tours and prayer.

Major's Hill Park

Originally named Colonel's Hill in honor of Colonel John By, the architect of the Canal Rideau, this park was renamed after By was replaced by a Major. The park offers a panoramic view of several major attractions, including Parliament Hill, the Ottawa River, the Museum of Civilization, the National Gallery and Notre-Dame Basilica. It's also the location of Colonel By's original home, or at least its foundation, as well as a statue of the city's founding father. The park is located along MacKenzie Avenue, directly behind the Chateau Laurier Hotel. Visitors can enjoy picnicking at the park's well maintained picnic areas. Taking a walk amidst the lush greenery is not a bad idea either! Escape the hustle bustle of the city and enjoy some tranquil moments at this beautiful park.

Dominion Arboretum

Located on the grounds of Central Experimental Farm is the Dominion Arboretum. It houses a wide array of shrubs and plants as old as 1889. The arboretum is home to over 1,700 varieties of trees and bushes. It spans over 64.24 acres (26 hectares) and is home to the Ornamental Gardens where there is an annual showcase of plants, flowers and hedges.

Lansdowne Park

Lansdowne Park is one of the prime locations for live performances and trade shows in Ottawa. It is also the venue for the annual SuperEx. The main aim of this venue is to cater to all age groups and become a multi-purpose sports and entertainment center. Some of the facilities here include exhibition halls, an assembly hall and the Aberdeen Pavilion. These facilities are available for public events and can accommodate small and huge groups of people.

0,6 381 64 1 5,7,6 [["Lafl\u00e8che Adventure","45.637783826367","-75.792020577936","https:\/\/\/assets\/images\/google_markers\/dark_blue_circle.png","","","255 Route Principale, Val-des-Monts, QC, J8N 4B7","https:\/\/\/nl\/ottawa-on\/348268-lafl\u00e8che-adventure"],["Diefenbunker Museum","45.351653541657","-76.047749690651","https:\/\/\/assets\/images\/google_markers\/dark_blue_circle.png","","","3929 Carp Road, Carp, ON, K0A 1L0","https:\/\/\/nl\/ottawa-on\/212568-diefenbunker-museum"],["Notre-Dame Cathedral Basilica","45.429910434073","-75.69619985407","https:\/\/\/assets\/images\/google_markers\/dark_blue_circle.png","","","56 Guigues Avenue, Ottawa, ON, K1N 1J9","https:\/\/\/nl\/ottawa-on\/181735-notre-dame-cathedral-basilica"],["Major's Hill Park","45.427769169768","-75.698392344794","https:\/\/\/assets\/images\/google_markers\/dark_blue_circle.png","","","525 Mackenzie Avenue, Ottawa, ON, K1N 1K4","https:\/\/\/nl\/ottawa-on\/181751-major-s-hill-park"],["Dominion Arboretum","45.390988601087","-75.703917967832","https:\/\/\/assets\/images\/google_markers\/dark_blue_circle.png","","","960 Carling Avenue, Ottawa, ON, K1A 0C6","https:\/\/\/nl\/ottawa-on\/824353-dominion-arboretum"],["Lansdowne Park","45.398802337498","-75.684069438104","https:\/\/\/assets\/images\/google_markers\/dark_blue_circle.png","","","450 Queen Elizabeth Driveway, Ottawa, ON, K1S 3W7","https:\/\/\/nl\/ottawa-on\/339825-lansdowne-park"]] adayincity 348268,212568,181735,181751,824353,339825 6 0 1 Attractions
5,7,6,10 0 0 0 10 0

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5,7,6,10 381 0 0 0,6 6