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Top Rated Attracties in Parma

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Reggia di Colorno

It's a complex and monumental piece of architecture, with over 400 rooms, courts and courtyards, surrounded by Parma's river, a piazza and a charming French garden, which was recently restored. Once inhabited by the Sanseverinos, the Farneses, the Borbones and Maria Luigia from Austria, now it houses temporary exhibitions and cultural events. Hours vary according to the season. Check the website before deciding to visit is advisable.

Discover with Laura

Discover with Laura is a full-fledged food tour agency operated by experienced food guide Laura Panella. The well-curated tours are an easy draw for gourmands who are keen to explore Emilia-Romagna's distinct flavors and cuisines. Parma, made famous for balsamic vinegar, prosciutto and Parmesan cheese, attracts a large number of food lovers from all over the continent. Laura tours take you through some of the lesser-known nooks serving up delectable local grub and also arranges for tasting tours of various city culinary haunts.

Parma Golosa Italian Food Tours

Parma Golosa Italian Food Tours promise a memorable experience for gastronomists keen to explore the city's hidden culinary gems while in the city. A gourmet food tour by the tour agency is sure to amaze you with some exciting details about the region's distinct food scene. Discover Parma's iconic specialties like classic balsamic vinegar, proscuitto and the delectable Parmesan cheese, among other savory eats that have shaped up the city's famous cuisine. Tours take visitors to locally-run plants and factories and provide an interesting glimpse of how local staples are churned out on a daily basis.

Food Valley Travel

For a city so immensely popular for its delectable Parmesan cheese and prosciutto, it comes as no surprise that majority of tourists as well as locals are always excited to explore the local flavors and cuisines. Food Valley Travel is an ideal way to forage for iconic spots that serve classic Parmesan eats at pocket-friendly prices. Their customized tours are backed with well-informed and friendly guides who share some interesting insights about the city's food scene and culture. Food Valley also arranges food and wine excursions as per individual travel itineraries and other requirements.

Chiesa di Santa Maria della Steccata

This church is an example of Renaissance architecture in Parma. It has a central Greek cross plan in a Bramante-like style, and was built between 1521-1539 following the design of an unknown architect. It was built by Bernardino and Giovanni Francesco Zaccagni who demonstrated that they were familiar with, and knew how to interpret the architectural rules set out by Bramante. Antonio da Sangallo il Giovane, sent to Parma by Pope Clement VII in 1526 to examine the defensive system, left a plan for the dome and the completion of the building. The decoration and the large balustrade, which follows the arms of the cross, are the work of Mauro Oddi and can be dated back to the end of the 17th Century.

Palazzo della Pilotta

This building is in the heart of the historic center and is home to the Palatina library, the archeological museum, the national gallery, the Farnese theatre, the Institute of the History of Art of the University of Parma and the headquarters of the Parma and Piacenza galleries and the Toschi Art Institute. The building dates from 1583 and takes its name from the Basque game of Pelota, which was played in the courtyard. In the course of time, the fascinating building has undergone many changes and was partially rebuilt after the bombings of 1944.

0,6 305 51 1 5,7,6 [["Reggia di Colorno","44.929670794355","10.375921368179","https:\/\/\/assets\/images\/google_markers\/dark_blue_circle.png","","","Piazza Giuseppe Garibaldi 26, Colorno, 43052","https:\/\/\/nl\/parma\/657233-reggia-di-colorno"],["Discover with Laura","44.789740708829","10.335222832236","https:\/\/\/assets\/images\/google_markers\/dark_blue_circle.png","","","Viale Sette Fratelli Cervi 9, Parma, 43123","https:\/\/\/nl\/reggio-emilia\/1122790-discover-with-laura"],["Parma Golosa Italian Food Tours","44.796902162174","10.338709643807","https:\/\/\/assets\/images\/google_markers\/dark_blue_circle.png","","","Via Furlotti 3\/B, Parma, 43123","https:\/\/\/nl\/reggio-emilia\/1122791-parma-golosa-italian-food-tours"],["Food Valley Travel","44.806966445916","10.332933011317","https:\/\/\/assets\/images\/google_markers\/dark_blue_circle.png","","","Viale Fratti 40\/A, Parma, 43121","https:\/\/\/nl\/reggio-emilia\/1122788-food-valley-travel"],["Chiesa di Santa Maria della Steccata","44.8022467852","10.327374091106","https:\/\/\/assets\/images\/google_markers\/dark_blue_circle.png","","","P.zza della Steccata, Parma, 43100","https:\/\/\/nl\/reggio-emilia\/203480-chiesa-di-santa-maria-della-steccata"],["Palazzo della Pilotta","44.80504033257","10.326060987238","https:\/\/\/assets\/images\/google_markers\/dark_blue_circle.png","","","Piazzale Pilotta 1, Parma, 43100","https:\/\/\/nl\/reggio-emilia\/178111-palazzo-della-pilotta"]] adayincity 657233,1122790,1122791,1122788,203480,178111 6 0 1 Attractions
5,7,6,10 0 0 0 10 0

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5,7,6,10 305 0 0 0,6 6