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Vreemd en wonderbaarlijk

Vreemd en wonderbaarlijk

Top Rated Attracties in Philadelphia

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Eastern State Penitentiary

Formerly the largest prison facility in America, the Eastern State Penitentiary is now Philadelphia’s major tourist attraction. What was once the most expensive prison in the country now stands in ruins, but that does not stop curious tourists from visiting the attraction. A first-of-its-kind, the penitentiary implemented previously unheard ideas of incarceration, which prioritized reformation over punishment. Today, the vaulted cell blocks and central rotunda invite many a tourists keen on knowing the eventful history of this fascinating establishment. What adds to the curiosity of the masses is the fact that the prison was home to notorious inmates such as ‘Slick Willie’ Sutton and Al Capone.

Philadelphia's Magic Gardens

Philadelphia's South Street is home to one of the most remarkable creations of art in the city. Known as the Magic Gardens, this work by artist Isaiah Zagar spans almost an entire block and engulfs everything in sight including the pathways and building walls. The continuously evolving work is a colourful riot and incorporates tiles, bottles, bicycle tires, spokes; pretty much anything you could think of. With this stunning landscape and installations, the artist draws you into his world for a peek into his mind. This one is not to be missed.

Please Touch Museum

Please Touch Museum is a must-visit when in town. Located in Memorial Hall, it features whimsical installations, interactive exhibits and optical illusions. Create music with your feet by stepping on the Walking Piano, meet characters from Alice in Wonderland, cross rivers in the rainforest and manoeuvre a flying machine. Visitors can attend activities and programs on various topics, from history to science, in an educational yet fun way. Make a pit stop at their Please Taste Café, or attend a folk performance or puppet show at their theatre. A popular attraction among children is their wooden carousel and yearly themed Storybook Ball where their favourite fairy tales come alive.

Mütter Museum

In 1849 the College of Physicians of Philadelphia started a collection of unusual medical specimens for the study of pathological forensics. Today, it's become fair to say this might be the best collection of medical oddities on display to the public, including such things as President Grover Cleveland's tumor (removed successfully), an exhibit on conjoined twins, and obsolete medical instruments.


The Oddporium opened its doors to avid explorers in September 2015. Today, it is popular among tourists and locals alike as the most bizarre entities of Arden, Delaware. Touted as a gallery full of peculiar objects, the store lives up to its name and how! Among the outlandish items on exhibit here are well-preserved, vintage electroshock therapy kits, asylum relics and a cyclops pig. If eerie collectibles are your thing, there is a host of human skulls and skeletons to browse through too. When in the city, explorers of the curious world must head to the Oddporium, for this the ultimate home of oddity.

Fright Factory

Located along the Philly waterfront is a much loved local haunt—literally! Because The Fright Factory is Philadelphia's very own local haunted house. The Fright Factory has three main attractions—"Pitch Black"which is a dark maze where nasty things await to pounce in the pitch darkness, "CarnEvil 3-D"—a blacklit 3-D maze with evil and hungry clowns and the "Forgotten Insane Asylum"—a haunted house-type maze with an asylum theme where crazy forgotten factory workers have been experimenting and mutating since the depression. All in all, the house doesn't fail to entertain and is a total scream. This place is definitely not for the faint-hearted!

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5,7,6,10 0 0 0 10 0

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5,7,6,10 16 0 0 0,6 6