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Top Rated Attractions in Pescara

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Cineteatro Massimo

Cineteatro Massimo was one of the first multiscreen cinemas in the city. It has three rooms on three floors. It shows commercial films that follow the tastes of the public. The smallest screen is reserved for art films, which have less commercial success. Ever since the opening, it has hosted the Flaiano Prize which also includes an international cinema show. There is also a small bar here.

Teatro D'Annunzio

Dedicated to the poet from Pescara, this is an open air theater-monument that hosts a theatrical season every summer which includes concerts and ballet. On rainy evenings the shows take place at the cinema-theater Massimo. It is adjacent to the D'Avalos park and faces the sea. Made of cement, it was built in 1956. On the right side is a tall obelisk 65 meters (213 feet) high, made by Vincenzino Michetti and decorated with stylised motifs along its height. The surrounding area is green and fairly large, and if you adventure into the pinewood you will find the roots of liquorice which are a favorite with young people.

Riviera Nord

This is the place to see the youth of the city. Pescara's university population can usually be found in the many pubs and bars in the area during the year, and on the coast, especially to the north of the river, in summer. The places to go are from the old Borgo Marino to S. Filomena with the great hotels of Montesilvano to the north. Piazza I Maggio and the surrounding area has a number of places that offer something for all kinds of people. Some places have tennis courts and offer surfing and swimming lessons and aerobics. The beach is the place to play never ending games of volley ball or just chat with friends, however, some people prefer just to get going in the evening.

Parrocchia San Michele Arcangelo (Parish)

This church is of medieval origin, and still has perforated brick walls reinforced by buttresses and a brick plaster facade. The left side has buttresses, a stone portal and a window with a rounded arch. The bell tower is on the right side and has little windows. There are three naves inside, separated by pillars and rounded arches. There is a rectangular apse with a painting of the Virgin, Child and Two Saints.


This was originally only a hamlet called Piccius. The first written evidence of this place dates from 1051. In 1049 the Abbey of Santa Maria was built here, that gave the place some fame. It was a rich, tranquil place for centuries until a fire destroyed the abbey and monastery as well as documents and works that were testimony of the historic identity of this small center. A museum was recently built here to fill the void, that tries to recapture at least some of the roots of this small town. Some materials from the old monastery were rescued from the fire and there also some pieces from other buildings. Picciano can be reached by route 16, and then route 161 from Cappelle. Turn right for Collecorvino and then continue on to Picciano.

Chiesa di San Giovanni Battista

Of medieval origin, this church used to be home to nuns. It can be reached by going up a staircase that was rebuilt in the 18th Century. The facade dates from the same period, decorated with Maltese Crosses. The Romanesque, polygonal apse dates from the middle of the14th Century as does the bell tower, which is surrounded by majolica bowls. Near the entrance, in a niche, is the 15th-century statue of a Madonna with Child. Inside, there is a single nave and lateral altars. On the main altar is a painting of San Giovanni Battista (St. John the Baptist) from 1617, by Samberlotti di Montorio.

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5,7,6,10 0 0 0 10 0

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