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Top Rated Nightlife in Pescara

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Club Tortuga

In the 'fabulous' 1960s, this club was opened as a restaurant and open-air dance club on whose stage artists such as Mina, Fred Bongusto and Dalida performed. As years passed, it changed into a nightclub but still preserved its quality. Cabaret artists alternate here with striptease shows of a high professional level.

Le Streghe

This place is famous as it used to be owned by the Bergamini brothers who were full-contact champions. The current owner is not a martial arts champion, but is surely a very nice man! Call for timings.

Osteria dei Miracoli

Fortunato's osteria is one of the most beautiful in the historical center. Contemporary art exhibitions are often organized there and customers are both young and not so young. Call ahead for timings.

Bar Aurora

Located on Viale Bovio in the northern area of the city, this cafe changed hands a few years ago and its young managers really knew what to do. It has been transformed from a peripheral style cafe into a real point of reference for local residents as well as being a stop off point for those going to work to get their breakfast and in the evening they come back to try the excellent aperitifs.

Long Island

Long Island Drink and Food can be found in Piazza Unione right at the beginning of the old town. Its owner Marcello has much experience in running venues, and discos. In fact this is one of the last places to close at night in Pescara, so if you find yourself with an uncontrollable thirst and everywhere is closed, this place stays open until the early morning for all those late night partygoers!

Orange Rock Cafe

The Orange Rock Cafe is an institution in the city of Pescara. Here you can listen to rock, heavy metal and punk. The nightclub is located in the center of the city and it often hosts great events!

0,6 27 5 1 2|104,2|105,3 [["Club Tortuga","42.501251676471","14.177264858297","https:\/\/\/assets\/images\/google_markers\/dark_blue_circle.png","","","Viale Moro 21, Montesilvano, 65016","https:\/\/\/montesilvano\/161677-club-tortuga"],["Le Streghe","42.471451561122","14.205478662211","https:\/\/\/assets\/images\/google_markers\/dark_blue_circle.png","","","Via Mazzini 25, Pescara, 65122","https:\/\/\/pescara\/161638-le-streghe"],["Osteria dei Miracoli","42.46159559815","14.212971379731","https:\/\/\/assets\/images\/google_markers\/dark_blue_circle.png","","","Corso Manthon\u00e8 57, Pescara, 65127","https:\/\/\/pescara\/159160-osteria-dei-miracoli"],["Bar Aurora","42.4772674672","14.197456605031","https:\/\/\/assets\/images\/google_markers\/dark_blue_circle.png","","","Viale Bovio 299, Pescara, 65124","https:\/\/\/pescara\/246800-bar-aurora"],["Long Island","42.462357164242","14.214974332705","https:\/\/\/assets\/images\/google_markers\/dark_blue_circle.png","","","Piazza Unione 5, Pescara, 65127","https:\/\/\/pescara\/253866-long-island"],["Orange Rock Cafe","42.462558654823","14.216260115816","https:\/\/\/assets\/images\/google_markers\/dark_blue_circle.png","","","Via Nazario Sauro 15, Pescara, 65100","https:\/\/\/pescara\/708672-orange-rock-cafe"]] adayincity 161677,161638,159160,246800,253866,708672 6 0 1 Nightlife
2,3 0 0 0 10 0

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