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Interesting Architecture Around the World

por: Cityseeker
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Museu Guggenheim (Guggenheim Museum)

O Guggenheim é admirado tanto pela sua arquitectura como sua arte. O edifício foi desenhado pelo arquitecto Frank Lloyd Wright. Seu exterior branco e seu interior de cúpula em vidro combinam-se para dar um ar moderno e limpo ao lugar. Uma renovação, realizada no início de 1990 adicionou uma torre de dez andares, o espaço extra contém uma colecção das esculturas e uma cafeteria com vista para o Parque Central. Em exposição, tem os trabalhos dos impressionistas, Kadinsky, Paul Klee e Picasso.

1071 Fifth Avenue, Nova Iorque, NY, Estados Unidos, 10128
Catedral de São Basílio

Uma coleção fascinante de tons vívidos e cúpulas, a Catedral de São Basílio ergue-se no extremo sul da Praça Vermelha, um dos monumentos arquitetônicos mais reconhecidos da Rússia. Originalmente construída entre 1555 e 1561 para comemorar a vitória de Ivan IV em Kazan, a catedral era uma visão em pedra branca com cúpulas douradas. As cores e padrões não foram adicionados até o século XVII. Pouco se sabe sobre os arquitetos deste majestoso edifício e, por um tempo, a lenda dizia que Ivan IV cegou a dupla para evitar que replicassem o projeto. Originalmente composta por nove capelas, uma décima foi acrescentada alguns anos depois onde se encontra o túmulo de São Basílio. Embora oficialmente chamada de Catedral da Intercessão, o apelido mais popular desta joia histórica deriva disso. Hoje, a Catedral de São Basílio é um museu que atrai multidões de visitantes todos os anos, inspirando admiração em todos aqueles que a observam.

Red Square, Moscou, Federação Russa, 109012
Dancing House

Arguably the reason for the biggest architectural controversy ever in the city, the post-modern Dancing House portrays a tango couple dancing. Situated on the banks of the Vltava River, the Fred and Ginger Building, built by American Frank Gehry and Vlado Milunic, contains several offices, a street level bar and fancy French restaurant on top. The building is among the most unusual of Prague's varied architectural sights - go and judge its merit for yourself.

Rašínovo nábřeží 80, Praga, República Checa, 120 00

Frank Lloyd Wright's architectural masterpiece The Fallingwater or the Kaufmann residence has been an awe inspiring site since 1939. It is a historic landmark which is open to the public and provides guided tours of the entire establishment by professional interpreters. Visitors also have the option to choose self-guided tours; however, it is only limited to view the house from outside. They offer special tour packages and on selected weekends, landscape hikes at attractive prices. It is advisable to buy tickets in advance especially when travelling in large group. The visitor centre is equipped with a cafe and a public restroom. The Fallingwater also has a barn which is available on rent for various events. For more information regarding tours and events please visit their website.

1491 Mill Run Road, Bear Run Nature Reserve, Mill Run, PA, Estados Unidos, 15464
Krzywy Domek

Part of the Rezydent Shopping Centre, Krzywy Domek, also known as Crooked House, is a uniquely designed building. Inspired from illustrations by Jan Marcin Szancer and Per Dahlberg, the building is designed by the famed Szotynscy & Zaleski. Counted as one of the 50 strangest buildings in the world, the fascinating building attracts curious tourists and locals alike. This warped, vertigo-inducing building houses many stores, restaurants and even a radio station. When in Sopot, visiting this eccentric establishment is a must.

Haffnera 6, Sopot, Polônia, 81-717
Casa Milà

Antoni Gaudí, the architect who built this jewel of Catalan modernism, wanted the facade to reflect his romantic and anti-classical ideas about design. It was built for the Milà family between 1906 and 1910. Neither the family nor the public were much impressed, and it was dubbed La Pedrera (stone quarry) as an insult. Only later in 1984 did it win great acclaim when the UNESCO declared it a World Heritage Site. Now internationally celebrated, Casa Milà is a prime example of Gaudí's civil architecture; it is aesthetically interesting and unique as well as outstandingly practical. Call +34 90 220 2138 for more details.

Carrer Provença 261-265, Barcelona, Espanha, 08008
Postman Cheval's Ideal Palace

Built by Ferdinand Cheval, a French postman, Le Palais Idéal du Facteur Cheval is one very spectacular piece of architecture. A telling structure, this one is all of 26 meters long. Covered with scripts, sea shelled pathways, figures of famous people like Archimedes, tools used to create this masterpiece and many other decorative arts. With its growing popularity, the Palais Idéal du Facteur Cheval has now become a National Monument in Hauterives and an iconic visitor's spot. Each year thousands of visitors gather to witness this marvelous wonder. The place is also home to events, exhibitions and cultural events. There is also an on-site shop selling memorabilia, loved by those who want to take back memories of this grand monument. Visiting hours vary monthly, call ahead or check website for more information.

8 rue du palais, Off D538, Hauterives, França, 26390
Kunsthaus Graz

Designed by the architects Peter Cook and Colin Fournier, the Kunsthaus Graz is a museum that keeps up with the international standards. Shaped like an alien aircraft, it is a must-see site and lovingly named the "friendly alien" by locals. The museum showcases exhibits by renowned artists. You will get to see collections of photography, fine art, interactive art and much more. Kunsthaus Graz is also used as an event space for several events. If you are exploring the city, ensure that you visit the museum to get insight into some fascinating artworks.

Lendkai 1, Universalmuseum Joanneum, Graz, Áustria, 8020

Ame-a ou odeio-a, esta colorida, periférica, consciente ecologicamente transformação do desinteressante edifício da prefeitura pelo artista austríaco Friedensreich Hundertwasserno terceiro distrito de Viena é hoje uma grande atração turística como o Hofburg ou Stephansdom. Declarando guerra à linha reta e comprometendo-se a reembolsar uma dívida com a natureza,Hundertwasser cobriu a fachada em uma espécie de tabuleiro de xadrez de cores primárias, a ele agregou cúpulas de cebola e revestimentos cerâmicos, plantou gramados e árvores sobre os telhados. No interior, aos 50 apartamentos foram instalados desconcertantes pisos ondulatórios de terracota . Não perca a Kunsthaus Wien, outra transformação de Hundertwasser que fica nas proximidades desta e abriga uma coleção permanente de sua arte.

Kegelgasse 34, Viena, Áustria, 1030
Habitat 67

Habitat 67 is renowned for its architectural excellence and served as a residence during the Expo 67. This housing complex exemplifies a modern approach towards designing and is still an important part of the city. Comprising 146 identical, block-like houses, the structure resembles a massive lego building, which is also one of its most noted features. The structure also offers unparalleled views of the neighborhood, and provides one of the best vantage points for photography.

2600 avenue Pierre-Dupuy, Montreal, QC, Canadá, H3C 3R6
Grand Lisboa

The long anticipated Grand Lisboa Casino and Hotel opened with great fanfare in 2008. Stanley Ho's latest creation aims to be the premier gambling destination in Asia. The golden lotus-shaped 58-floor tower has forever changed the Macau skyline. The interior of this five-star establishment is as impressive as its exterior. Over 580,000 Swarkovski crystals glimmer in the lobby, casino and guest room chandeliers. International Michelin-rated restaurants make up the collection of dining options here. The casino occupies six floors and has the widest range of slots and tables in Macau. The hotel has 650 deluxe guest rooms and suites that offer views, luxurious amenities and more.

No. 2-4 Avenida de Lisboa, Macau, Macau
National Stadium - Beijing

This architectural wonder was built for the 2008 Summer Olympics and is aptly nicknamed the 'Bird's Nest'. The inner seating bowl is encompassed by a seemingly random mesh of crisscrossing beams, designed to disguise those that support the stadium's retractable roof, leading to its nest-like appearance. With space enough to accommodate a whopping 91,000 fans, the stadium now hosts a variety of events, from live performances and concerts, to sports and much more. The vast arena has quickly become a symbol of Beijing's cosmopolitan spirit and modern outlook.

Guo Jia Ti Yu Chang, Chaoyang Qu, Olympic Green, Pequim, China, 100045
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