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Primeira classificação Compras em Sarnonico

Raio De Busca (milhas)
Via dei Portici

This is probably one of the most attractive areas in the old town and is the most popular with tourists. It is the shopping Mecca of Alto Adige. Via dei Portici still has its original street market structure, the nucleus of the medieval hamlet. On the ground floor, the shops looked out under the porticoes, while the upper floors were used for housing (and still are today). The warehouses are located behind many shops and can be accessed through a small courtyard. Many of the characteristic features of the Via dei Portici can still be seen today, including Erker features (protruding balconies with a Nordic influence) and some famous shops, many of which have been here since the 19th Century. Number 30 is the old town hall with its late Gothic arches that date back to the end of the 13th Century. The porticoes are also the heart of the city's shopping area and are always bustling.

Oberrauch Zitt

Oberrauch Zitt is synonymous with fashion, especially Tyrolean fashion. And Tyrolean fashion is, above all, a synonym of Loden. The store is spread over more than 1200 square meters (13,000 square feet), and offers men's and women's leather clothing in both fashionable and casual styles. The Oberrauch family's shop has had more than 150 years of success, and during this time it has undergone many transformations and enlargements, but it has always managed to combine classic clothing with the latest trends. Call for hours.

Artigiani Artisitci Atesini (Art/Craft Cooperative)

In 1946, local shopkeepers and artisans formed a cooperative to relaunch and sell typical local handmade goods. Artigiani Atesini is located in the Palazzo Mercantile under the porticoes. It offers a wide selection of items made in this region, including unique handmade pieces such as glass paintings, peacock-inspired embroideries, dolls in traditional costume, and candles. The cooperative unites 36 corporations. Call ahead for timings.

Libreria Athesia Buch

The Athesia bookshop, located below i Portici, is part of a large local editorial group. Along with the subsidiary branches in Bressanone, Brunico, and Merano, it offers more than one million books, CDs and videos in German and English. The shop in the old town has an Italian language section containing thousands of titles. You can also buy German books here, which can be difficult to find elsewhere.

Libreria Europa

Libreria Europa, run by the Waibl family since 1965 offers a good selection of works in foreign languages (English, French and Spanish) and a wide range of books in Italian and German, with particular attention paid to the sections of psychology, tourist guides, health and children's books. Orders are very quickly processed: two weeks for a book from America, while books arrive every day from Germany.

0,6 47 8 1 8 [["Via dei Portici","46.499630756218","11.354483424341","https:\/\/\/assets\/images\/google_markers\/dark_blue_circle.png","","","Via dei Portici, Bolzano, 39100","https:\/\/\/pt\/bolzano-it-1\/139874-via-dei-portici"],["Oberrauch Zitt","46.499589775083","11.352758801575","https:\/\/\/assets\/images\/google_markers\/dark_blue_circle.png","","","Via Portici 67, Bolzano, 39100","https:\/\/\/pt\/bolzano-it-1\/161914-oberrauch-zitt"],["Artigiani Artisitci Atesini (Art\/Craft Cooperative)","46.499603435461","11.354098372426","https:\/\/\/assets\/images\/google_markers\/dark_blue_circle.png","","","Via Portici 39, Bolzano, 39100","https:\/\/\/pt\/bolzano-it-1\/161515-artigiani-artisitci-atesini-art-craft-cooperative"],["Libreria Athesia Buch","46.499600020367","11.354002749778","https:\/\/\/assets\/images\/google_markers\/dark_blue_circle.png","","","Via Portici 41, Bolzano, 39100","https:\/\/\/pt\/bolzano-it-1\/164345-libreria-athesia-buch"],["Tiroler Goldschmied","46.690947769965","11.151111126709","https:\/\/\/assets\/images\/google_markers\/dark_blue_circle.png","","","Schlossweg 3, Tirolo, 39019","https:\/\/\/pt\/tirolo\/1103006-tiroler-goldschmied"],["Libreria Europa","46.49994494492","11.339824984608","https:\/\/\/assets\/images\/google_markers\/dark_blue_circle.png","","","Corso Italia 6, Bolzano, 39100","https:\/\/\/pt\/bolzano-it-1\/177643-libreria-europa"]] adayincity 139874,161914,161515,164345,1103006,177643 6 0 1 Shopping
8 0 0 0 10 0

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