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Top Rated Restaurants & Cafes in Salamanca

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Croissanteria Paris SL

Croissanteria Paris SL serves a delicious variety of croissants and offers diners a change from the local Spanish cuisine. Here one can sample freshly baked croissants served with juicy bacon, creamy cheese or sweet apple jam. The staff is friendly and polite and ensures a memorable time. The food is moderately-priced.

Restaurante Zazu Bistro

A fun place for diners in the city, Restaurante Zazu Bistro is a cozy French and Italian restaurant where love blossoms. The romantic atmosphere as well as the classy decor is sure to impress your partner. The food is delicious as well and features a variety of dishes like cheesy Risotto, Penne Rigatte and a range of salads. There is a beautiful terrace where you can spend glorious evenings in fine weather.

Víctor Gutiérrez

When in Salamanca, forget about the international food chains. By far your best bets are the numerous family-owned restaurants and snack bars that can be easily found on any street of the city. Víctor Gutiérrez is one such place where the locals come to dine, or rather eat out every night. Named after the restaurant's chef, this joint offers the best in local, regional cuisines. Special effort is taken to maintain the authenticity of the dishes, and the food is prepared using the freshest produce and ingredients. Leaving this place without trying the in-house desserts is like a crime! Get here early to secure a table near the glass, from where you can enjoy a magnificent view of the Convento de San Esteban and Concilio de Trento.

La Hoja 21

Search between the narrow passages off Salamanca city's famous landmarf, Plaza Mayor, for this small cozy restaurant. La Hoja, which translates as The Leaf, is one of the few places in town where you can savor traditional Castilian cuisine. In the kitchen, Chef Alberto López carefully prepares some fine dishes using typical products, but adds a modern dimension to it. Thus, the food appeals to the senses, looks exciting and tastes good as well. The courses are accompanied by an elaborate wine selection. The best time to visit here is during the night when you can enjoy a supper consisting of well flavored dishes like carrilleras en salsa, apple terrine of foie gras, crabs and prawns in creamy sauce, lamb ribs and partridge cooked in chocolate

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Chocolateria Valor

A good place to stop by for a quick breakfast, Chocolateria Valor is a favorite of many diners. It is open from 8a daily and serves delicious churros with decadent hot chocolate for a hearty breakfast. The place is also popular for its range of artisan chocolate snacks as well as their delightful cakes and desserts. Free WiFi is also provided to diners.

iPan iVino

iPan iVino offers patrons a chance to enjoy fine Tapas food along with copious amounts of Spanish wines that complement the meals. Choose from a range of sharing plates like Iberian Tenderloin Belloa and Tataki Bluefin Tuna with vegetables, that you can enjoy with your friends. The ambience is casual and ideal for groups. There is an outdoor dining area as well where guests can relax and hangout.

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4,2 0 0 0 10 0

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