Le Residenze dei Serravallo
"Self-Catering Apartments"
Serravallo is not a hotel. It is a residential complex with lots of self-catering apartments, which can also be rented short-term. Obviously, you have to cook for yourself and there is no room service, but it has its advantages. It is almost like being in your own home, except that a cleaner comes every day. The rooms are spacious and airy. The furnishings are modern and stylish. It is located very near the sea and the Barcola Riviera, a very popular place for going for a walk.
Via del Cerreto 18, Trieste, Italy, 34136
"Self-Catering Apartments"
Serravallo is not a hotel. It is a residential complex with lots of self-catering apartments, which can also be rented short-term. Obviously, you have to cook for yourself and there is no room service, but it has its advantages. It is almost like being in your own home, except that a cleaner comes every day. The rooms are spacious and airy. The furnishings are modern and stylish. It is located very near the sea and the Barcola Riviera, a very popular place for going for a walk.
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Services & Amenities
- Air Conditioning
- Free Parking
- Internet Access
- Iron
- Laundry Service
- Parking
- Pets Allowed
- Wi-fi
Other Information
Check-In from: 14:00
Check-Out by: 12:00