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Eateries Along Route 66

由: Cityseeker

Exploring historic Route 66 makes for a delightful excursion, but it is not just the splendid sights and enduring landmarks which capture the attention of those gliding along the highway. Numerous time-honored eateries, cafes, and bars along the route beckon to travelers and entice them with delectable fare and tasteful drinks. Here are a few spots where you can stop by and replenish your energy before continuing your journey.



3259 E 95th Street, 芝加哥, IL, 美国, 60617


2935 South 6th Street, 斯普林菲尔德, IL, 美国, 62703
Luna Cafe

This infamous café draws patrons looking to indulge in a chilled bottle of beer as well as history buffs who wish to learn of its eventful past. Exuding a gritty vibe, Luna Cafe features an interior illuminated by a combination of dim lights and neon hues, inviting travelers along Route 66 to stop by and unwind at the bar once frequented by Al Capone. Grab a beer of your choice and soak in the atmosphere as you are transported back in time.

201 East Chain of Rocks Road, Granite City, IL, 美国, 62040
Leong's Asian Diner

At Leong's Asian Diner, foodies can choose from an extensive menu decked with an array of scrumptious Asian dishes predominantly adhering to Chinese cuisine. Featuring an interior imbued with warmth and furnished with sleek wooden tables cast in soft lighting, this restaurant delights patrons with delectable food cooked to perfection. Pick from appetizers such as Asian BBQ Ribs and Fried Wontons, and pair them with main course options such as Hong Shui Chicken, Classic Fried Rice, and Cantonese Style Roast Duck, among others. A kids menu is also available. Round off your meal with decadent treats like Chocolate Lava Cake and Crème Brûlée.

1540 West Republic Road, 斯普林菲尔德, MO, 美国, 65807


4910 North Lincoln Boulevard, 奥柯赫玛城, OK, 美国, 73105

流行音乐66是路边吸引力,小餐馆,苏打水商店和加油站的独特的混合物。位于标志性的66号公路上,Pops 66拥有一盏霓虹灯照亮的66英尺(20米)高的苏打形雕像。拍摄了这个奇妙而不寻常的设计图片后,走进雕像后面的建筑物,发现一个销售超过700口味的苏打水的商店。无论你想要一种复古的饮料还是一种通常不会销售的新的疯狂味道,你都可以在这里找到它!在所有的购物后,你可能会饿了,所以也检查了餐厅。他们提供美味的美国菜肴,并为他们的震动,或当然,苏打水而闻名。

660 Route 66, Arcadia, OK, 美国, 73007

Sid's Diner位于El Reno的66号公路旁,是一家受欢迎的小餐馆,供应当地最好的洋葱汉堡之一。随着他们着名的汉堡,他们提供了一系列的早餐,三明治,边和震动! Sid的工作人员非常友好和礼貌,服务迅速。这里的菜单很厚,有各种各样的热狗,汉堡,兔子等等。对于双方来说,他们有他们着名的辣椒,薯条和色拉。美味到最后一点,容易在口袋里,西德的产品应该让你回来更多。

300 South Choctaw Avenue, El Reno, OK, 美国, 73036
Indian Pueblo Kitchen

A part of the Indian Pueblo Cultural Center, Indian Pueblo Kitchen specializes in Native American fare and promises a delightful culinary experience. Sample some delectable New Mexican delicacies which celebrate traditional Indigenous cuisine, with every dish cooked with the utmost care and packed with tantalizing flavors. You can pick from options such as Blue Corn Enchiladas, Tewa Taco, Blue Corn Trout ‘N' Chips, and Juniper Braised Buffalo Short Ribs, among others. For dessert, gorge on treats like the Pueblo Style Bread Pudding and Pueblo Oven Pie à la Mode.

2401 12th Street Northwest, Indian Pueblo Cultural Center, 美国新墨西哥州中部大城, NM, 美国, 87104


301 West Route 66, Williams, AZ, 美国, 86046
Caverns Grotto

For a unique dining experience, head to the Caverns Grotto restaurant, which serves delicious American fare in a 200-feet underground cavernous space. Set amid a vast network of caverns, this restaurant features a limited number of tables, each of which allows patrons to admire the caves stretching out before them. Owing to the location, foodies can enjoy delectable food in a peaceful setting while basking in the views of the massive caverns. A tour of the caverns is also on offer alongside the meals.

Arizona Highway 66, Grand Canyon Caverns, Peach Springs, AZ, 美国, 86434
Peggy Sue's 50's Diner

An old-school establishment that whips up delectable dishes, Peggy Sue's 50's Diner exudes an inviting warmth and friendliness and serves as a relaxing rest stop along Route 66. Pick from scrumptious classics such as French fries, cheeseburgers, meatloaves, and sandwiches, and enjoy them in the 50s-themed setting. Homely and friendly, the diner has been around since the 1950s and has delighted patrons with flavorsome comfort food ever since its inception. You can also opt for delicious pizzas and relish ice creams and sundaes.

35654 Yermo Road, Yermo, CA, 美国, 92398
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