后藤酒吧是整个纽约市少数日本鸡尾酒吧之一。使用味噌和清酒等元素,Kenta给鸡尾酒一定的亚洲旋转。随着这些创新和独特的鸡尾酒,这个地方还提供了大厨Kiyo Shinoki制作的一些日本手指食品和舒适的菜肴。气氛优雅,与东方装饰风格相融合。忠诚的顾客推荐樱花鸡尾酒和onomiyaki
This hip bar with a tropical motif is nestled in Park Slope near the Bergen St. subway stop and breathes charm and romance thanks to its vibrant and delightful surroundings. The long wooden table and subdued lighting enhance the aesthetic appeal of the design, which includes leaves, plants, and lovely flowers. You may come to Bar Goto Niban with loved ones to decompress and relax after a long day of exertion and take in the atmosphere while sipping on a fantastic range of cocktails, wine, beer, and other beverages. And be sure to indulge in the delectable bar food.
Le Syndicat是一个知名的酒吧,从古老的法式烈酒和烈酒中回味着石油时代的标志性鸡尾酒。其不起眼的位置是在墙壁上的艺术装置上划定的,在室内,裸露的砖头,金色的羊毛窗帘和昏暗的灯光营造出异想天开的氛围。品尝Le Vieux Hexagone和Le Sudist等特色调味品,或选择品尝法国最好的酿酒厂出产的稀有干邑白兰地,白兰地,白兰地和朗姆酒。
调酒师Aki Wang称他的餐厅酒吧尽情享受“实验小酒馆”。从厨房来的美食,如绿芦笋扇贝芝麻菜和虎虾,路易斯安那法式排骨,鳟鱼配贻贝和香槟海胆奶油酱。顾客可以品尝到像Tiki风格的热带地带这样的饮品,再到经典的曼哈顿。内饰可以被认为是雍容华贵,玻璃餐桌和软垫高椅子,但这是小酒馆魅力的所有派对。
Your search for one of the best drinks in Paris comes to an end at The Danico, which has even been featured in the top 100 cocktail bars in the world. This speakeasy will impress you in every way with its wonderfully prepared drinks, delectable beverages, and tasty quick eats. It is hidden behind the pizza restaurant Daroco Bourse. Each season brings a new menu to this cocktail lounge. High ceilings and magnificent interior design with contemporary furnishing and décor define the mood of this hip bar.
轻松的氛围,清爽的音乐,时尚的年轻人群,独具创意的鸡尾酒和无尽健康的免费食物。这就是Freni Frizioni所期望的,这是罗马所提供的一家最好的酒吧之一。在意大利北部流行,开胃酒是意大利餐前鸡尾酒的答案。古斯古斯,烤蔬菜,面包和面食不断补充,因为时尚的年轻人群一边啜饮着饮料一边啃食。酒吧本身有混合搭配的复古家具,俱乐部传单堆和爆破节拍的替代氛围。酒店曾经是一家汽车修理店,因此被命名为Freni(休息)和Frizioni(离合器),酒吧既可以在内部也可以在大型相邻的广场外面接待顾客。这是罗马人所知道的,尤其是在夏天外面的广场如火如荼的时候,这家酒吧在晚上仍保留着它的魅力。查看网站了解更多信息。
A contemporary cocktail bar, Re is on a mission to reduce waste and embrace sustainability in a previously unseen way. The owners, Matt Whiley and Maurice Terzini, came together with an intent to reduce their environmental footprint to a minimum. A minimalist industrial-chic space with a greyish-white palette, stripped-down walls, and a center of attention bar, all elements of this bar emphasize the 'no-waste' concept. An award-winning bar with an innovative concept, the food and drink menu showcases fresh flavors and signature ingredients. Best for beers, wines, and curated cocktails, come by to unwind and taste flavorful drinks made by master mixologists.
Donovan Bar酒吧位于布朗酒店内,是该市最时尚的地方之一。对着名的英国摄影师特伦斯·多诺万(Terence Donovan)致敬,他的最好的作品填补了墙壁。如果你打算在金光闪闪的城市里飞溅,这就是你应该去的地方。头在这里得到最好的夜生活!联系他们了解更多详情。
Featuring a 1960s rock and roll vibe, Republic Bar makes you feel as though you have traveled back in time. The interiors feature burgundy chairs, mirror embellishments and wood floorings that radiate a warm vibe. The spirit options are also rather interesting. You can opt for a vintage spirit or go for an eclectic concoction. The cocktails feature names of 60s music legends including Mini Skirt with Pimm’s No. 1, 15 Minutes of Fame, Valentino Red and the like. Though priced on the steeper end, it is well worth the money spent.
Explore the enticing and pleasant Vintage American Pub in Bratislava, close to Rybárska brána, to unwind and decompress after a long day at work. The comfortable layout, low lighting, and all-black decor make it a perfect location to chill with your pals. The large glass bar within the facility gives the space a cool and classy look altogether. There are several non-alcoholic options here, as well as cocktails, beer, martinis, lagers, etc., and the food options are quick bites that pair well with the beverages.
Make your way to The House of Machines if you are looking to kick back with your buddies with a couple of beers. The rustic interiors feel out of a bike shop with exposed bricks, dim lighting and interesting one-liners. Many people here are regulars and they rave about the quality of the craft beers and extensive variety of cocktails. Try the Smoked Old Fashion and you won’t be disappointed. They have fewer snacking options but all of them are lip-smacking and pair well with your glass of beer. Drop by for a live musical event if you want to make the best out of your experience.
Mace is an award-winning bar with a captivating combination of gastronomy, mixology, and music. Greg Boehm, the founder, and Nico de Soto, French mixologist extraordinaire, have strived to make Mace a fantastic venue for an ultimate evening. Spices reign supreme at Mace, as can be deduced from the bar's name. A full prominent bar with incredibly proficient bartenders concocting perfumed botanical cocktails, spiffy interiors, and small, shareable plates menu make this cocktail bar visit-worthy. Drop by this premier cocktail destination in Downtown Manhattan for an exclusive taste of herb-infused food and drinks.